1. Any advice?
    • if you get doored and don't remember what happened, wait for the police and ambulance.
    • rest
    • accept or at least consider any help that is offered to you
    • listen to your body
    • listen to your specialists
    • listen to those around you
    • rest
    • got a task? write it down. something to remember? write it down.
    • do not rush back. If you think you’re ready for serious activity, think about it again.
    • rest
    • don’t operate any heavy machinery (including cars) unless you really can
  2. Did you talk to any lawers?
  3. After much consideration, I decided to get advice from several lawyers. I received quite a bit of information and advice as to the steps that I could take to best protect the interests of my family.

  4. Do you end up pressing charges? Were the police involved?
  5. The police did not attend the collision site. They would have been the ones laying charges in this case. However, I did file a police report a few days later. The other party had to provide information towards the report as well so they visited the police station separately.

  6. How has your personal life been affected?
  7. Every aspect of my personal life has been touched in some way. I’ve had to put some friendships on hold, some friendships have gotten stronger. I’m far less active because my old activities involved lots of impact. My work has suffered. My self esteem takes a constant beating each time that I have to admit that I can’t do something.

  8. Why were you on Preston and not using the Trillium Pathway along the O-Train line?
  9. The Trillium Pathway between Young St and Carling Ave was not completed until Fall 2015. One year too late for me, unfortunately.